Alte Reutstraße 172, Fürth 90765

0911-79 19 20


Zahnarztpraxis Dr. Ludwig und Kollegen MVZ GmbH
Alte Reutstr. 172
90765 Fürth

Telefon: 0911-79 19 20

Directions by public transportation:

Take bus line 33 to the Jenaer Straße stop or line 178 to the "Im Stöckig" stop. You can also use the VGN service to find the right connection with schedules here:

nach Fürth/Alte Reutstraße 172
am   um    abfragen

Our Office Hours

For pain patients, we are available on short notice by prior telephone arrangement.

Our practice is organized to minimize waiting times as an appointment-based practice. If you cannot keep an appointment, please inform us in a timely manner.

In case of emergencies, you can reach us at Tel. 0171-7719574

Monday: 7:30 AM - 8:10 PM

Tuesday: 7:30 AM - 8:10 PM

Wednesday: 7:30 AM - 8:10 PM

Thursday: 7:30 AM - 8:10 PM

Friday: 7:30 AM - 6:10 PM

Saturday: 9:00 AM - 1:10 PM

Appointments by arrangement